Water is an essential component in the large-scale production of hydrogen, which is used in many processes, including manufacturing fertilisers, treating metals and as a source of fuel. Due to the high volumes of water needed, many hydrogen production companies look for ways to become more efficient with their water usage to reduce costs for the business and its customers. In 2015, Evoqua developed a solution to recycle wastewater streams back into the operating process at a hydrogen facility. In doing so, the company was able to save 75 million gallons of water per year. By creating efficiencies in water-intense industries, companies can ‘close the loop’ in their water use and alleviate pressures in water-stressed areas.


While continued urbanisation puts more pressure on our water supply, innovation is happening at a similarly fast rate. We believe that technological advances will be an integral part of the solution and because of this, private companies have a key role to play in changing the way water is treated, distributed and consumed.


Evoqua is just one example of how companies can innovate to solve some of the challenges around water scarcity, pollutants and the implications of climate change on water resources. By taking wastewater, purifying and reusing it, firms like Evoqua can help the world move toward a more circular and sustainable economy.



1United Nations, summary progress 2021: SDG 6 indicators, July 2021

2Evoqua Water Technologies, Reliability and resilience: Northumbrian Water case study, 2022



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