The opportunity in short-duration high yield isn’t reliant on the direction of equities or government bonds, making it a compelling portfolio diversifier.
FOR PROFESSIONAL INVESTORS AND/OR QUALIFIED INVESTORS AND/OR FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES ONLY. NOT FOR USE WITH OR BY PRIVATE INVESTORS. CAPITAL AT RISK. All financial investments involve taking risk and the value of your investment may go down as well as up. This means your investment is not guaranteed and you may not get back as much as you put in. Any income from the investment is also likely to vary and cannot be guaranteed.
What if we said you could get equity-like returns, but with less volatility, and in an asset class offering diversification away from momentum and economically-sensitive sectors? Where does this opportunity lie? In short-dated high yield bonds.
In this webinar, David Ennett and Jack Holmes, managers of the Artemis Short-Dated Global High Yield Bond Fund, discuss the benefits of allocating to this asset class.
Recorded on: Thursday 17 October, 10am
Why the Artemis fund is different to peers:
- High conviction – fewer holdings than most peers
- Focused and active – concentrates on the undiscovered, inefficient tail
- Truly global – unlocks opportunities that regionally-siloed investors miss
- Nimble – not being committee-led enables quick decision making